Updating Participant Contact Information in REDCap
As a part of the study, it is important to have up-to-date study participant contact information (name, address, phone number) for data collection, gift card distribution, and other study inquiries. Please update contact information in REDCap as needed.
Step 1: Login into REDCap and navigate to the ‘Record Status Dashboard’ found on the left-hand menu under ‘Data Collection’.
Step 2: Participant ‘Contact Update’ is located within the ‘Record Status Dashboard’ tabs: Arm 2: Main. To access a specific participant’s Contact Update form, click on the radio button that aligns with the desired participant’s record ID.
Step 3: To update contact details, open the ‘Contact Update’ form and change any relevant information. You can do this as many times as necessary during the study.
Step 4: Step 4: To save this form, use thedrop-down menu next to ‘Complete?’ Select ‘Complete’ and click the button for ‘Save and Exit Form’.